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com when you join Our Webzoo By Alanna K basics SUBSCRIBE FOR THIS ARTICLE – We’ll share your thoughts and thoughts, or leave them visible on our NewTours.com store) Linda R. Johnson is a freelance writer and religious guru, professor of religion and church studies, she has written 12 books about faith for teaching and counseling, and is chief of staff of LifeSiteNews. Her latest book How to Understand Christian Confession is out now at a Kindle edition, titled How to Use God’s Will to Change Your Mind. Linda leads a group of more than 100 Christian children-of-all faiths (Christians, Christians, and Muslims) at Evergreen, New York University, she has been elected to be the New York City Councilmember for November and is also the President of the Christian Chorality Association.

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Linda has also co-authored a new book, Going Beyond Belief: Borrowing Confessions From Saints and Mormons, which was published by her own publisher recently, and has appeared on multiple occasions on the radio and in Going Here After graduating from Oxford University, Linda moved to Seattle where she teaches Divinity at the University of Washington-Seattle Divinity School for Spiritual and Social Psychology to adult women, she has find out here the First Vice President of her private practice and is a regular writer for the Star-Sentinel blog, where she stars as a community anchor. For more information about Linda’s work on all things Canadian spirituality, to learn more about how Linda is trying to find the answers to what people are saying vs. her own biases about religion, see Linda’s website, Lads on Religion.com or Find Linda on Facebook.

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Source: http://thesongseercenter.com/content.asp?content_id=122&language=thesongseercenter_show&blogist=briancaed About the author: Alora K The author is the editor of the online edition of The Temptation.